Paper on the development of information technology-based services in public services

2022-07-02 09:24:07 By : Mr. Andrew Wei

The following is a paper on the development of information technology-based services in public services compiled by: Wa Yasri.By praising and thanking Allah well as sholawat and greetings to our beloved Prophet Muhammad that the author can complete the task of Management Information Systems with the title "The Role of Information Technology in Public Services".The writing of this paper can be completed on time as expected thanks to the help of colleagues, especially Lecturers.The author realizes that there are still many mistakes and shortcomings in this paper, therefore the author hopes for the contribution of thoughts, opinions and suggestions that are useful for the improvement of this paper.Hopefully this paper can be useful and useful for readers.Thank you for your attention.TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD…………………………………………………………………… TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………… …………………………CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………… A. Background……………………………………………………………… ………….B. Benefits and Objectives………………………………………………………………CHAPTER II DISCUSSION………………………………………………………… A. Role of Information Technology in Public Services……………………………… B. Development of Information Technology in Public Services……………… C. Positive Impact of Use of Information Technology on Public Services….. D. Utilization of Information Technology on Public Services……………….E. Troubleshooting the Utilization of the Role of Information Technology in Public Services……………………………………………………………….F. Information Technology Support for Public Services………………….. G. Information Technology Infrastructure…………………………………………..CHAPTER III CLOSING……………………………………………………………… A. Conclusion……………………………………………………………… ……………….B. Suggestions…………………………………………………………………………A. BACKGROUND Information technology is increasingly playing a significant role in today's public services.This is indicated by the easier the bureaucracy in the administration of correspondence, the easier it is to access information from one point to another.Of course, information technology will not contribute so much to the development of public services carried out by the government if the role of human resources is not optimized.The use of information technology is inseparable from the role of computer equipment and communication technology.Both of these devices can be said to be the heart of information technology.Since the 1990s computer equipment has experienced a very significant development.Public service basically involves a very broad aspect of life.In the life of the state, the government has the function of providing various public services needed by the community, ranging from services in the form of regulation or other services in order to meet the needs of the community in the fields of education, health, utilities, and others.The various public reform movements experienced by developed countries in the early 1990s were inspired by public pressure on the need to improve the quality of public services provided by the government.In Indonesia, efforts to improve services have actually been carried out by the government for a long time, including through Presidential Instruction No.5 of 1984 concerning Guidelines for Simplification and Control of Licensing in the Business Sector.This effort was followed by the Decree of the Minister of State for the Utilization of State Apparatus No.81/1993 concerning Guidelines for Public Service Management.To further encourage the commitment of the government apparatus to improving the quality of services, Presidential Instruction No.1 of 1995 concerning Improvement and Quality Improvement of Government Apparatus Services to the Community.In the latest developments, the Minister of Administrative Affairs Decree No.63/KEP/M.PAN/7/2003 concerning General Guidelines for the Implementation of Public Services.What is the role of information technology in public services?What impact does information technology have on public services?How is the development of information technology in public services?How is information technology support for public services?C. BENEFITS AND OBJECTIVES The benefits and objectives of the role of information technology in public services are:Can help run the government system with the use of technology as a whole Resolve problems that occur in the community Become a source of national progress which greatly determines the nation's competitiveness, thus, the quality of the service sector must be continuously improved.Building an honest, responsible, transparent and accountable character and being able to improve good information literacy supported by the data and facts needed to deliver a nation to the integrity of the life of the nation and one homeland.Being able to realize excellent service to the community in the sense of fast, precise, fair and accountable service, is the hope for every public service institution/institution/organization.A. THE ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN PUBLIC SERVICESCommunity demands in the era of decentralization for quality public services will strengthen.Therefore, the credibility of the government is largely determined by its ability to overcome the various problems above so that it is able to provide public services that satisfy the community according to its capabilities.From the micro side, things that can be proposed to overcome these problems include the following:1. Setting Service Standards Service standards have a very important meaning in public services.Service standard is a commitment of service providers to provide services with a certain quality which is determined on the basis of a combination of community expectations and the ability of service providers.The determination of service standards is carried out through a process of identifying the type of service, customer identification, identification of customer expectations, formulation of service vision and mission, analysis of processes and procedures, facilities and infrastructure, time and cost of service.This process will not only provide information about service standards that must be set, but also information about institutions that are able to support the implementation of management processes that produce services in accordance with established standards.Other information that is also generated is information on the quantity and competencies of human resources needed and the distribution of the service task load to be handled.2. Development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) To ensure that the service process can run consistently, Standard Operating Procedures are required.With the SOP, the processing process carried out internally in the service unit can run according to clear references, so that it can run consistently.Besides that, SOPs are also useful in terms of:To ensure that the process can run uninterrupted.If certain things happen, for example the officer assigned to handle a certain process is unable to attend, then another officer can replace him. Therefore, the service process can continue;To ensure that licensing services can run in accordance with applicable regulations;Provide accurate information when searching for procedural errors in the event of deviations in service;Provide accurate information when certain changes will be made in service procedures;Provide accurate information in the context of service control;Provide clear information regarding the duties and authorities that will be delegated to certain officers who will handle a certain service process.Or in other words, that all officers involved in the service process have clear job descriptions and responsibilities;3. Development of a Customer Satisfaction Survey To maintain community satisfaction, it is necessary to develop a mechanism for assessing community satisfaction with the services provided by public service providers.In the concept of service management, customer satisfaction can be achieved if the service products provided by service providers meet the quality expected by the community.Therefore, customer satisfaction surveys have an important meaning in efforts to improve public services;4. Development of a Complaint Management System Public complaints are a source of information for the efforts of service providers to consistently maintain the services they produce in accordance with established standards.Therefore, it is necessary to design a complaint management system that can effectively and efficiently process various public complaints into input for improving service quality;Meanwhile, from a macro perspective, improving the quality of public services can be done through the development of public service models.In certain cases, there are indeed public services whose management can be done privately to produce good quality.Several models that have been introduced include: contracting out, in this case public services are carried out by the private sector through an auction process, the government plays the role of regulator;franchising, in this case the government appoints the private sector to be able to provide certain public services followed by price regularity to set the maximum price.In many cases the government can also do privatization.In addition, improving the quality of public services also needs to be supported by a bureaucratic restructuring, which will cut the various complexities of public services into simpler ones.The complex bureaucracy becomes a field for the growth of KKN in service delivery.B. DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN PUBLIC SERVICESThe development of Information Technology is something exciting.However, development apparently cannot be separated from defects inherent in humans, and in everything that comes out of their hands, especially in matters of higher education.The reason for implementing IT in the pattern of education and learning in higher education is actually very noble.As quoted by Indrajit, UNESCO has stated emphatically, that the function of IT is to “meet educational needs that previously could not be met.”(Indrajit, 2010) Even so, challenges still await.There are several challenges that need to be faced, as explained by Indrajit.First, although IT is very helpful in the learning process, the paradigm used in the teaching process is still not right, which is rarely linking theory with real life examples, so that even though using sophisticated IT media, the learning process still feels dry and abstract.Second, the development of IT as a learning medium does not go hand in hand with the development of the teaching materials provided.As a result, variations in teaching materials and methods are not conveyed properly through related IT tools.Third, it is still a matter of the educational paradigm, how to change the pattern of one-way learning is still the biggest challenge for the world of education, even in educational institutions that have implemented IT as a learning medium.In other words, the application of any sophisticated IT will not develop teaching patterns, when lecturers are still educating with a one-way pattern.And fourth, the geographical conditions of countries and regions are still very diverse.As a result, the distribution of IT usage is also uneven.There is a gap between the center and the periphery, or between the capital city and the regions.(Indrajit, 2010).C. POSITIVE IMPACT OF THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON PUBLIC SERVICESThe impact of Information Technology on public services is divided into 2, namely positive impacts and negative impacts.From a positive perspective, they are:a.Media that can save costs.Utilization of information technology began when information technology was considered as a medium that could save costs compared to conventional methods, for example the use of typewriters, paper, erasers, tip-ex, editing processes, etc. which tend to be inefficient.Now with the help of computers we can see the results of typing on the monitor screen before printing (paperless).More efficient in time and file storage.That's why in the past there were many typing courses, now we rarely find typing courses, especially in big cities.b.Internet as a communication medium It is the most widely used internet function where every internet user can communicate with other users from all over the world.Data exchange media, by using email, newsgroups, ftp and www (world wide web) / a network of web sites Internet users around the world can communicate with each other and exchange information quickly and cheaply.c.Education Become a medium of education, because of the sites related to education.So that it encourages someone to return to study, and add to existing insights.d.Media To Find Information Or Data The rapid development of the internet has made www as an important and accurate source of information.The ease of obtaining information through the internet makes IT actors know what is happening.Can be used as an information field for education, culture, and others.e.Trading Ease of transacting and doing business in the trade sector so there is no need to go to the place of supply/sale.For example, shipping goods via packages.f.Religion The existence of spiritual sites can increase human faith and knowledge about religion.· Negative impacts of the use of Information Technology, namely:a.Gambling With the spread of gambling with available networks, gamblers do not need to go to a special place to fulfill their desires.b.Addiction to certain sites and online games, can make a person addicted, even then addiction can result in users spending money just to serve that addiction.c.Pornography and violence With the ability to convey information that the internet has, pornography is rampant. On the internet there are pornographic and violent images that can cause a person to act.d.Forced Data Retrieval This is mostly done by people who are experts in the IT field, to retrieve data from a person / agency that contains important data from that person / related agency (Hacker).D. UTILIZATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN PUBLIC SERVICESThe realization of excellent service to the community in the sense of fast, precise, fair and accountable service, is the hope for every public service institution/institution/organization.Therefore, it is necessary to improve the public service system which involves improving the methods and procedures of public services.The application and development of Information Technology can help facilitate the above expectations.Excellent public service in the future will not only follow global trends but is a strategic step in an effort to improve access and quality of services to the community.Internally, IT implementation and development institutions are the backbone of the governance system towards transparent and accountable good governance.Efficiency will be achieved through the use of IT without destroying human values.Instead, the IT system developed must be able to elevate human dignity and values ​​by creating more quality and efficient public services, so that it can meet human needs in this global and competitive era.The IT that is developed must lead to the realization of an integrated system that can build connectivity between existing components so that it becomes more dynamic and agile in carrying out communication in order to obtain and seize opportunities that exist for character development in Indonesia.Of course, all of this must be followed by the readiness of all components of human resources in terms of thinking, behavior orientation, attitudes and value systems that support the use of IT for human benefit.Management information systems (finance, human resources, assets and facilities, e-government, e-learning, e-tourism) are programs that must be built in synergy in facing the demands of the times.In the era of globalization, the role of IT is becoming increasingly important to be used to reveal data and facts into information that can be utilized.The contribution of IT cannot be separated from a responsibility so that data and facts can be collected, managed, stored, researched, proven and disseminated so that the public gets important information correctly effectively and efficiently.IT is essentially a tool to gain added value in producing fast, complete, accurate, transparent and up-to-date information.One of the benefits that can be felt in the contribution of IT is internet technology.The internet as a medium of information has provided an opportunity for everyone to convey data and facts openly and responsibly.This opens up new opportunities in character development where data, facts and information can be owned by everyone openly and honestly, thereby reducing flagiatism.Building an honest, responsible, transparent and accountable character must be able to improve good information literacy supported by the data and facts needed to deliver a nation to the integrity of national life and one homeland.Alvin Toffler in Powershift (the third book in the trilogy, after Future Shock and The Third Wave) describes this development as a revolution that took place in three waves, namely the first wave of the emergence of agricultural technology, the second wave of the emergence of industrial technology, and the third wave of the emergence of information technology that drives the growth of agricultural technology. telecommunication.Technology has affected humans in their daily lives, so if 'technological stutter' will be too late to master information, and will also be left behind to get the opportunity to advance.Information has an important and real role, because society is now heading to the era of the information society or knowledge society.The character development strategy in public services does not only face changes in the substance of data and facts, it is further challenged to find forms of approaches, strategies and methods of service that are able to answer the challenges of the nation's needs in the era of globalization and information disclosure.Research and development of public services in finding approaches, strategies and service methods that are rooted in the context of the nation needs to be carried out consciously and sustainably.Excellent public servants are a source of national progress which will determine the nation's competitiveness, thus, the quality of the service sector must be continuously improved.Current facts show that the public service gap factor is one of the main factors in improving service quality.The gap in service quality is not only caused by inadequate facilities and infrastructure, limited human resources and the unintegrated management of the public service system.In relation to the factors mentioned above, the use and utilization of IT as a driving force for public services is still very low.Although some institutions/agencies in Indonesia have utilized IT, especially in service management, it is still in a limited scope.The lagging behind in the utilization of IT is an important issue in Indonesia's development policy.E. TROUBLESHOOTING THE UTILIZATION OF THE ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN PUBLIC SERVICESUtilization of IT in public services is one of the right solutions for solving public service problems in Indonesia.At least the use of IT in public services in Indonesia, will overcome the following problems:Indonesia's geographical, time and socio-economic problems.The Republic of Indonesia is an archipelagic country, with tropical and mountainous areas, this will affect the development of public service infrastructure so that it can cause uneven distribution of information.Reducing the lag in the use of IT in public services compared to developing and other developed countries.Acceleration of equal distribution of service opportunities and improvement of service quality that are difficult to overcome by conventional means.Improving the quality of human resources through the development and utilization of IT, IT will help the performance of public services in an integrated manner so that effective and efficient, transparent and accountable management will be realized.Geographically and socio-economically Indonesia, the implementation and development of IT will be the backbone of the future public service system.IT is utilized and developed to be able to elevate human dignity and values ​​by creating more quality and efficient public services, so that it can meet human needs in this global and competitive era.The implementation and development of appropriate IT applications in public services is one of the important key factors to catch up with the world of education and the quality of Indonesia's human resources (HR) with other nations.Improvements continue to be made in response to the demands of developments in information, science, technology, art, demands for decentralization, and human rights.Various circumstances indicate that Indonesia has not been able to utilize the potential of IT properly, and therefore Indonesia is threatened with a digital divide that is increasingly lagging behind developed countries.The gap in telecommunications and information infrastructure and facilities between cities, villages, mountains and beaches, regencies and provinces and even between islands also widens the gap so that there is also a digital divide within our own country.F. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT FOR PUBLIC SERVICES.Currently, the information that can be accessed by the public is still very limited in nature, in the form of general information about departments/institutions and not yet in the form of information related to system procedures or procedures related to public services.One of the causes for this limitation is the absence of references or guidelines at the national level, as most of the departments/institutions expect in the form of a clear policy to disseminate information or data in general to the public.On the other hand, most departments/institutions see the lack of well-established infrastructure support and the lack of availability of adequate sources of funds and human resources as some of the obstacles that must be overcome before public services with the support of information technology can be improved.In terms of the positive impact of the application of information technology in public services, most departments/institutions expect an increase in the work of their own organization in the form of increased service and efficiency of the bureaucracy, although some have seen an increase in the aspect of bureaucratic transparency.a.Information technology research and development The most common development activity carried out by government departments/institutions is software development.Meanwhile, the “local” products they often use are still limited to training services.Most consider the funding factor as the main obstacle in this development.In the future, they expect the support of strategies, priorities and directions of research policies and strategies for developing experts in the field of information technology as part of the national policy in the field of information technology in order to increase the number and quality of research results in the field of information technology.b.Evaluation of information technology There are quite a number of government departments/institutions that are aware of the need for an evaluation of information technology investments as material for making future plans.However, not all of them have seen the need for internal evaluation.The main obstacle that is felt to hinder the evaluation of the use of technology is that this has not yet become a part or necessity of information technology investment.In evaluating the success of information technology investment, government departments/institutions consider the most important criteria to be effectiveness and quality in services, followed by productivity and organizational services and utilization and utilization of information technology.Meanwhile, the efficiency factor in reducing operating and operating costs and effective and good corporate management (company organization) is still not seen as an important critical factor to be evaluated.Meanwhile, almost all government departments/institutions consider the role and support of leadership (top management) in the development and utilization of information technology as the main factor influencing the success of investment in information technology.Hardware conditions, most government departments/institutions generally consist of PCs that seem to have been connected to a local network.Most of these agencies already have a connection to the internet through an ISP, however, the interconnection to the internet is still simple, its configuration can be seen from the small number of institutions that use Network Security or Network Management tools.In terms of software, most government departments/institutions use office automation applications such as word processing, etc.Database management systems and Internet applications, such as Web Publishing.Although most institutions have used computers for these general functions, there are still institutions that have not used them at all.In terms of the development of information technology infrastructure, many government departments/institutions still receive external assistance in the form of development consultations, this may indicate that internal capabilities are still inadequate in planning the development of information technology infrastructure.Furthermore, most institutions stated that the pattern of infrastructure development was carried out in a planned manner.However, quite a lot of people stated that the development pattern was adjusted to the financial condition of the department.In terms of infrastructure management, there are quite a lot of them who work closely with the central organization, it seems that the "centralization" pattern is still quite strong here.A form of joint use of information has begun to be carried out, this can be seen from the answers of quite a number of departments/institutions.However, this cooperation mostly faces obstacles in the form of data integration and application integration.One of the possible reasons is that standardization has not yet been implemented.In terms of the need for information technology infrastructure for the short term, most departments/institutions feel the need for applications and databases as the main needs followed by telecommunications equipment and access to global/national computer networks as well as integration with other related organizations.Meanwhile, in terms of processes/procedures, what needs attention is management and operation guidelines.A. CONCLUSION.The use of Information Technology in public services can increase employee productivity in providing services to the community.The role of information technology in public services is believed to be able to increase work productivity with a high level of accuracy, speed and convenience.Information technology is needed to solve the problems faced by society.B. SUGGESTION.From the above discussion about the role of information technology in public services, the suggestion is that the use of information technology can be used and utilized as best as possible by the government for the welfare of the community.Mcleod, Raymond.Management Information Systems, Seventh Edition, 1998. Shore, Barry.Instruction to Computere Information Systems, 1995. Jogiyanto HM, Introduction to Computers, 1992 Jogiyanto HM, Analysis & Design of Information Systems, 1999 Laudon, Kenneth C, and Laudon Jane Price (1998), Information Systems and the Internet, A Problem Solving Approach, 4th Eds, Sydney, Dreyden Press